Hieu Lai
Hi there, I'm Hieu.
A Marketing graduate interested in Front End Development and
Learn more about me
Hieu Am I?
id photo
My name is Hieu Lai, but you already know that. I’m an aspiring Front End Developer, with the desire to become Full Stack in the future. I have a Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Marketing) and now a debt the size of the Great Wall of China. Don't let that picture fool you, deep down it hurts.

For now, I’m in search of a great company to take me on as a junior developer, so that I can learn and develop my coding, and experience the lifecycle of a web project from concept to production. I'm up for any challenges, except ones that include heights, I will nope right out of there.
My Work
Cook's Cheat Cards

An app that stores your favourite recipes. You can create, edit or view recipes by logging into a social media account or email/password. Developed with React, Redux and SASS. Firebase utilied to handle the database.

Website that displays deals around Australia, when paying by cryptocurrencies. Designed with Balsamiq and coded with React, Redux and SASS. Firebase and Zomato API were utilised to handle the fetching of data.
Camper Leaderboard

Lists top 100 campers in the past 30 days. Fetches data from API and render using React framework. SASS and webpack utilised to increase efficiencies.
Markdown Previewer

A simple app that shows the output of markdown as a user types in the text area. React, webpack and SASS were used to construct this app.
My Portfolio

Bootstrap was implemented for the convenience and quick development of this site. I’ve added a bit of JavaScript for animation and user interaction (pretty much just the nav bar). Thoroughly tested with Chrome developer tools, My Portfolio is reponsive and mobile friendly.
Simon Game

Simon is an electronic game of memory skill. JavaScript was utilised to program the computer to randomly compute the next colour in the sequence. All the animation, including the flashy lights, were programmed using jQuery.
Tic Tac Toe

Tried to implement my own algorithm for the AI, however it did not go as planned. Let’s just say, could have saved a lot of time and stress using Math.random(), then again that’s what we’re here for. A minimax algo was instead adopted. Utilised jQuery for animation.
JavaScript Calculator

A basic calculator, not recommened for difficult math equations.
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